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Public Operation Hours in Tampa Bay, FL

Scrap King stands as a beacon for individuals and businesses searching for high-quality metal goods and recycling services. Our Tampa Bay, FL public operations take place seven days a week for maximum convenience for every client. Our state-of-the-art recycling facility helps us achieve environmental sustainability and create a cleaner environment within the community. Whether you’re unloading old metal or seeking a unique piece for your project, our team is here to assist and ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.

White day cab medium duty semi truck with big box trailer running on the highway road entrance line

When Are We Open to the Public?

We welcome the public to our facility to purchase or sell metal and additional scrap items every day of the week. From Monday through Friday, our doors are open from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm for individuals who wish to bring their items at their convenience. To further our reach, we are also open on the weekend, opening our doors on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. These extra weekend hours ensure you can make it to our facility to purchase or sell your items when it is most convenient.

Service Tailored to Your Needs

Our state-of-the-art facility provides an expansive suite of on-site services designed to accommodate public individuals and commercial businesses’ scrap metal recycling and waste disposal needs. To ensure we meet the specific needs of our clients, we offer tailored services on-site for maximum convenience and efficiency. Our services include:

Retail Yard Open to the Public

Our retail yard is open seven days a week, where individuals can purchase or sell any type of metal with our fast and friendly staff.

Commercial/Industrial Processing Yard

We are equipped to handle bulk processing and preparation of scrap metal from commercial and industrial clients.

Commercial Pick-Up Services

We offer a wide range of dump trailers, flatbeds, and other equipment for businesses looking to clear buildings or construction sites.

Electronic Recycling

Bring your unwanted and old electronics and sell them to us for competitive prices and to keep hazardous waste out of landfills.

Explore Our Wide Range of Recycling Services

Discover the difference Scrap King makes, where every visit contributes to a greener world. Our doors are wide open seven days a week for you to buy, sell, or recycle your metal and other items with ease and confidence. Experience unmatched service and support tailored for your convenience. Don’t wait for a cleaner tomorrow, be the change you want to see today. Visit us and see how easy it can be. Your metal could be the treasure that paves the way for a sustainable future.

Recycling Scrap Metal for Top Dollar